Little Souls Cemeteries

Little Souls Cemetery, Greensburg, Indiana

Due to the need that we found for a burial place for miscarried babies, we came up with a design and with our pastor’s permission, created a Little Souls Cemetery at St. Mary Catholic Church’s cemetery in Greensburg, Indiana.

The individual markers on the concrete strips allow for the burial of remains if there are remains. If there are not remains, the family can purchase a plaque with the baby’s name on it to be affixed to the upright monuments.

Do You Want to Start Your Own Little Souls Cemetery?

As we went along, we wrote everything down in a Word document so that if others wanted to know what we did and why we did it the way we did, we could share the document with them. If you would like a copy of this document, feel free to email us at

We also have a contract that allows cemeteries to use our image of Jesus holding a baby and our design plans to start their own Little Souls Cemetery. In addition, we have some limited capability to have the granite engraved and sent to you for installation. Please contact us and we will do what we can to help you establish a Little Souls Cemetery near you.

Little Souls Cemeteries We Have Helped Establish

Are You Looking for a Cemetery to Bury Your Baby?

Are You a Cemetery that Has A Dedicated Section for the Burial of Miscarried Babies?

If you are a cemetery that has a dedicated section for the burial of miscarried babies, we would love to add you to our listing. Please send us an email with your contact information to

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