
Even if your state allows otherwise, we always recommend that a miscarried baby be buried in a cemetery. This ensures that no matter where you move to in the future, your baby’s remains will still be in a dignified final resting place. Always get permission of the cemetery before burial and follow cemetery guidelines for the burial. Some cemeteries that do not have a dedicated section for miscarried babies allow for the burial on a family member’s burial plot. Below is a listing of cemeteries who have a dedicated section for the burial of miscarried babies.

If there is not a cemetery near you on this list and you would like information regarding developing a place for the burial of miscarried babies, please visit our Little Souls Cemeteries page.

If you are a cemetery that has a dedicated section for the burial of miscarried babies, we would love to add you to this listing. Please send us an email with your contact information to contactus@covenantresources.org.

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