Miscarriage Reflections

Below are a few reflections on thoughts that we have had or that someone else may have expressed.

The purpose of these reflections is to help you connect with the thoughts others have experienced after a miscarriage. We hope these reflections bring you comfort and help you feel you are not alone in your sorrow. When appropriate, links to articles and resources will be posted with the reflections.

These reflections and their attached articles are not medical or psychological advice and any link to another article or resource is not meant as an endorsement of that company or person or their teachings.

The world may never notice, if a Snowdrop doesn’t bloom,
or even pause to wonder, if the petals fall too soon.
But every life that ever forms, or ever comes to be,
touches the world in some small way, for all eternity.
The little one we longed for was swiftly here and gone,
but the love that was then planted, is a light that still shines on.
And though our arms are empty, our hearts know what to do.
Every beating of our hearts says that we love you.

-Author unknown

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