Covenant Resources Miscarriage Ministry
Providing dignified Care to Miscarried Babies and Their Families
If you are here because you have experienced a miscarriage, please know that our thoughts and prayers are with you. We hope this site is a source of comfort for you and your family.
If you have not experienced a miscarriage but are here to assist someone you love who has, we hope that this site will equip you with what you need to help your loved one navigate through the sorrow that can accompany a miscarriage.
We exist to…
of burial options for
miscarried babies.
miscarried babies.
personalized Little Souls Memorial Ornaments.
a national website listing cemeteries with dedicated areas for miscarried baby burials.
a national website listing facilities with same-day miscarriage supplies.
church and facility staff in supporting families during and after a miscarriage.
cemeteries start Little Souls Cemeteries devoted to the burial of miscarried babies.
supply totes in doctor offices, hospitals, pregnancy centers, funeral homes, and ultrasound clinics.
We do not provide legal or medical advice.

“Allowing a family to name their baby is so powerful in the healing process”
“What a beautiful blessing this (memorial tile at the Little Souls Cemetery) will be for my husband and our family.”
From a medical professional, “Thank you for all you are doing for us!”
“I find it comforting to know that my baby is buried next to the other babies (in the Little Souls Cemetery). He is not alone.”
“If you would not have brought awareness to this, I would have been one of those women who let the hospital take care of my baby (after the D&C) and I would have regretted it later. Because of what you did, I was able to bury my baby.”
From a priest, “Families don’t know where to go for burial supplies. The last family I work with had a very hard time finding something.”
“I have pictures of all my other children hanging on my bulletin board at work. This (Little Souls Memorial Ornament) will be my baby’s picture.”
“This (miscarriage supply tote) is exactly what we need to be able to present a family’s baby to them after a miscarriage.”
“The passion and determination that you have for this ministry can be seen, it comes from your own loss.”
“When the names of the babies were read at the Memorial Mass, there were several women around me weeping, they were receiving healing.”
“Sitting on the bench (at the cemetery) and seeing all the names around you reminds you that you are not alone in your loss.”
“Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! For everything you did and your family did for the (memorial) Mass last week at the Little Souls Cemetery.”
“When all the babies’ names were read at the Memorial Mass, that was such a moving and special moment.”
“Thank you for all the work that you are doing to support those dealing with the loss of their babies”

In loving memory of our little souls, Agnes Marie (February 2016) and Andrew Paul (November 2016).
God has them in His keeping. We hold them in our hearts.